Elixir Contact Center Implementation for Eating Disorder Clinic Success Story

Company Profile:

INDUSTRY: Behavioral Healthcare Provider

SOLUTION(S): Contact Center




  • The client wanted to streamline their Patient Pre-Intake process by automating the Lead Management, Pre-assessment, Insurance Eligibility check, Calculating the Cost of Care, Travel Arrangements, Bed Management and Alumni workflow.
  • The client wanted to integrate all the existing lead sources with Salesforce with various integrations such as Call Rail, Web forms, Facebook, Instagram.
  • The client wanted to effectively manage Pre-Assessment and VOB processes before shifting the patient to the HER.
  • There was a need for automating the insurance verification process by integration with a clearing house.
  • Lastly, there was an incumbent need to automate all tasks and processes to ensure end to end pre-intake flow.

Solution Highlights:

  • Elixir was implemented to help maintain patient information without the need for maintaining multiple records of a single patient.
  • Multiple integrations and automations were setup to facilitate lead management, insurance verification and pre-assessment processes.


  • Elixir was successful in providing a superior CRM experience by increasing productivity, reducing system interactions and tremendously boosting the lead conversion rate.

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