
Embracing Patient 360 for Improved Health Outcomes

What is Patient 360? During a typical patient care journey, a patient’s medical details are spread over disparate systems which makes it really tedious for providers to render appropriate services. The struggle to gain a…

One of the most common questions asked by the healthcare practices is if their EHR documentation practices were effective and how can they improve them to bring more efficiency and efficacy in the system. Clinical…

Measuring Medical Billing Performance

Healthcare practices need to follow a few basic activities like managing denials, scrubbing or resubmitting claims, increasing collections, etc. to ensure reimbursement for the care provided to the patient. But to ensure that healthcare practices…

Improving Patient Engagement with Elixir Practice Management

Running a successful healthcare practice requires the providers to focus on a multitude of operations on a daily basis. Most of these operations focus on revenue-generating activities that directly impact the bottom line. With the…

How healthcare providers can counter the higher claim rejection or denials?

Healthcare practices are facing more and more claim rejections and denials by medical insurers than it happened a year or two ago. This means healthcare providers have to put more time and energy into accurate…

Why are Treatment Centers struggling with Digital Innovation?

We live through an era connected by technology using high-speed internet, AI, and whatnot. These technologies are not only helping the organizations but also achieving tasks that were earlier considered as impossible. And as the…

New TEFCA Interoperability Framework for Healthcare Providers

While almost all healthcare providers use EHR systems, data sharing between different healthcare entities has been a pain point for medical workers, plan administrators, and consumers alike. High incentives have increased the interoperability of medical…

The holiday season is full of exhaustion and emotional whiplash, with providers and staff vacillating between stress and cheer, which leads to a FastTrack burnout. This burnout can negatively impact every aspect of patient care…

New guidelines on Hospital Co-location by CMS

As the need for newer and more efficient care delivery models is rising, hospitals are moving towards the co-location concept where hospitals co-locate with other hospitals or healthcare entities. These space-sharing arrangements play a vital…

How to Prepare your Team for a new Practice Management Software

Implementing a Practice Management Software for your Healthcare Business? Here’s a list of Everything you need to do to Prepare your Team! With the onset of advanced technology and modern medicine, healthcare providers are making…