
Adapting to a Telehealth Solution has never been easier

Elixir provides highly intuitive Telehealth Capabilities which help in going the extra mile in terms of Patient Care
Telehealth Solutions

How can Telehealth Boost your Patient Engagement Metrics?

Quality Healthcare to Remote Patients

  • Increase Healthcare Accessibility to Everyone irrespective of place of residence.
  • Minimize travel time and related stress for the Patient.
  • Minimize unnecessary Physical Contact by pushing everything online.

Seamless Patient Data Collection

  • Collect patient information easily at every touchpoint in the patient journey.
  • Encourage patients to provide more comprehensive information with easy workflows.
  • Make use of custom data collection workflows for automating the entire process.

Personalized Experience for Patients

  • Nurture your patients at every possible touchpoint for highly customized care.
  • Easily cater to the needs of your patients without worrying about physical barriers.
  • Enable your patient to schedule on-demand virtual visits within minutes.

Higher Staff Productivity

  • Enable your health care staff to manage various healthcare processes remotely.
  • Custom in-visit features to help your team perform all the processes efficiently.
  • Make use of multiple other custom workflows for automating various in-house processes.

On-Demand Integrations

  • Integrate with a comprehensive EHR system for managing all the clinical data.
  • Custom designed Billing suite for billing and claim handling.
  • Additional Integrations for managing a host of other features on Salesforce.

Why Choose Elixir?

Elixir’s Telehealth solution is pretty affordable and efficiently integrates with EHR and Billing solutions for a complete Patient Care Experience.

Higher Patient Outcomes

Elixir helps in increasing patient outcomes by easily automating all the process for telehealth engagements.

Flexible Scheduling

Provide your patients and staff the ability to partake in flexible scheduling for the telehealth consults .

Minimal Onboarding Time

Onboard patients without any delay by eliminating the need for multiple visits required to complete intake processes

Increased Patient Satisfaction

Increase Patient satisfaction by providing complete accessibility to desired healthcare services by eliminating physical boundaries.

Custom Workflows

Effectively maintain administrative workflows without the need for extra medical staff and focus more on patient care.

Minimize Patient No-Shows

Reduce the possibilities of patient no shows with flexible scheduling and enable consultation from anywhere.

Easy Payment Collection

Easily collect payment data for setting up desired payment method for the patient and seamlessly collect payments

Automated Scheduling

Enable patients to schedule appointments with you anytime, anywhere with a single click without a lot of overhead.

Streamlined Patient Communication

Effectively communicate with patients through their preferred channels and personalize the entire patient journey

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